What time is Alive on 25?
5-9:30pm (last call and last song at 9:15pm)
9pm Fireworks (7/5) + Laser Light Show (8/9)
Where will live music be playing?
You can’t miss it! Multiple stages line Main Street with live music provided by craft brewers and local restaurants.
Can I bring a cooler full of goodies?
Nope. Sorry, no coolers, food, or beverages allowed - please visit our local purveyors for food and refreshments!
No open cans or bottles are allowed. DO NOT open alcoholic cans or bottles purchased from a street vendor.
Wristbands and coded plastic cups are distributed by alcohol stations on Main Street and closely monitored by security.
Is there food available at the event?
Yes, numerous food vendors offer everything from pizza to gyros, fresh-squeezed lemonade to burgers. Main Street restaurants are open for sit-down dining (and air-conditioned!). There are plenty of great food options.
Can I bring a blanket, lawn chairs or an umbrella?
Bring a lawn chair and blankets to relax (and eat) along the riverfront, in Grangebel Park or on the grounds of East End Arts.
Is beer available at the event?
Beer, wine and cider will be available at multiple stations throughout the festival.
(open-container liquor outside of bars and restaurants is prohibited by the Town of Riverhead)